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March 2025 Newsletter

Writer: Chris CurryChris Curry

Oh, springtime! Join us in the wearing of the green on the eve of St. Patty's Day at A Novel Experience!

We are looking forward to embracing the warmer days of March and celebrating the return of more daylight! And, we're gathering up all the Irish good luck we can find! Check out our collection of great Irish titles as well as books to help you "green up" your awakening gardens (although the emerging weeds get the early bird award...).

Join us this month for some great reading, book club discussions, and sharing "I've just read this incredible book" suggestions. Our annual Dog and Pony Show will hang all month--the photographs featuring the wonderful gazes of sweet dogs and equines is one of our favorite shows--come see Juror Ray Sullivan's awards and vote for your favorite for our People's Choice prize!

Stop by, join one of our book groups, share your thoughts about contemporary topics at Living Room Conversations...and, visit with us on March 17th--we'll celebrate St Patrick's Day from 5-7 with libations and snacks for those wearin' the green!

-The Novel Experience Team

See great photos this month!

The 2025 Dog and Pony Show!

Enjoy the wonderful photographs chosen by our Juror-for-Life Ray Sullivan! And, make sure you pick your favorite for the People's Choice award!

“To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark.” Victor Hugo

EVERY TUESDAY at 2: We gather for knitting and crocheting and great conversation! And, come to learn the how-to's from our group members!

SATURDAY, MARCH 8th: NOVELS AT NIGHT at 6:00. We're reading Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots.

THE DROP-IN GUILT-FREE BOOK GROUP will meet on Thursday, March 6th at the store at 7:00 p.m.! We're discussing "The Berry Pickers" by Amanda Peters. Join us!

FRIDAY, March 7th: The Writer's Group meets tonight at 6! Keep writing and bring your work to share.

TUESDAY, March 4th: THE SPIRITUALITY GROUP meets at 1:00 p.m. at the store. We're reading Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge, and the teachings of plants. Elizabeth Gilbert says "A hymn of love to the world" (and, couldn't we use that these days...).

MONDAY March 10th: THE ROMANCE PAGES SOCIETY meets at 7 to discuss Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood. Come and grab a seat!

MONDAY, March 17th: It's St. Patrick's Day and we'll be serving up the green and wishing everyone good luck for the coming year! Stop by from 5-7 and join us...and wear some green!

SUNDAY, March 9th: LIVING ROOM CONVERSATIONS will explore "What are American Values?" at 3:00. Here's a shortie from the great LRC website:

If you were describing American values to someone, what would you say?

The current polarized climate might suggest we have deep disagreements about American values/ideals, and live out of conflicting understandings. But what exactly are American values/ideals? What do you most value about the United States? Do they derive from our founding documents, so you look to “the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”? Or the Constitution and Bill of Rights -- protecting the rights of individuals from government overreach, foreign threats and the passions of the people. Or do they derive from something else entirely? Let’s rediscover our shared American values/ideals.

SATURDAY, March 15th, 5-7 pm: THE SELF-PUBLISHED AUTHORS SHOWCASE! Have a book you've written? Set up a table at the store and share the experience with other authors! Please RSVP for space availability.

SUNDAY, March 30th: THE CLASSICS GROUP meets at 3:00 pm to discuss Black Boy by Richard Wright.

WEDNESDAY, March 19th at High Noon: The BROWN BAG BOOK GROUP discusses Bewilderment by Richard Powers.


All of us at A Novel Experience

770-567-1103. 426 Thomaston Street, Zebulon, GA 30295



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