Dear Indie/Local Authors
We are so glad you've taken this step to get your book out into the world! Currently to get your book stocked at A Novel Experience we ask that you attend one of our author showcases that happens twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. The details for signing up are posted below, we look forward to seeing you there!
Author Showcase
Rules and Tips
We invite authors to participate in our author showcase twice a year.
Spring showcase happening May 17, 5-7pm. ​
1. Bring as many books as you wish -- average is usually 3-10 per title.
2. Bring a small table (card size) to display your books. (We have plenty of chairs)
3. Reach out to your fan club! We'll advertise the showcase on our social media, but it is up to you to market as well to get people to stop by. Prior to the date, we would be happy to include any press releases/photos that you send us on our social media ( We'll hang your 8.5x11 flyer in our window as well
4. Table placement is first come, first served -- best location is close to the front door.
5. Be creative in your display -- tablecloth, goodies, pick-up items that advertise your book (e.g. bookmarks, pamphlets, stickers.)
6. Take photos. You can use the images to advertise on social media -- hey, you just had a signing at an indie bookstore!
7. Giveaways to get emails. If you have a social media presence, take names and contact info by offering a "free" something or raffle off a prize to encourage people to sign up
1. Sales: for sales on showcase day, you claim 100% of your sales if you have your own square account or accept cash or checks. Otherwise if we run it through our register we will take a 30% commission. We suggest that you have the capability to take credit cards -- see Square for a good product -- and bring change.
2. Sales after showcase: You have the option to leave 3 of each of your titles. We will shelve them in "Local Authors" in the front of the store. We will take 30% of sales that are made. If you elect to leave some of your books, please fill out our Author Agreement on the day of the showcase so we can track sales. We pay you quarterly for any sales made during that period. At the end of your 2 year consignment we will contact you to pick up your books if they have not sold. If you do not respond within a month of contact we will donate your books.
Enjoy the day and congrats for making your book a reality!